About Me

My photo
I am going to be the one that will change many lives, will make a difference, and will inspire others like my life was inspired by others♥ I want to change the way people cannot get help for drug/alcohol addiction the way we should be able to get help, I want to change the way addicts think, get into the mind of an addict, and HELP them Married, and a mommy to 1.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I have MOVED

I have moved to a new web address. I have decided to have my own domain through WordPress. 
This blog will slowly be incorporated into my other blog. 
In my new site I have a tab in the upper left corner for Resources. If you have your own website, or blog... if you are non-profit organization, or treatment facility and would like to be added into the website under resources please send me an e-mail at 
mylife.mystory.2011@gmail.com with a brief description (1-3 sentences) on what your site/blog is about with a link to your address. 

Also in the upper left corner there is an About Me & my mission where you can read.
Today I will be adding a new tab for My Story and I will be adding the blogs from this web address to my NEW address.

Please visit me at 

You can follow by e-mail as well.

Please come over and help me be the voice of Addiction.
Join me in my journey!!!

Love you guys,