About Me

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I am going to be the one that will change many lives, will make a difference, and will inspire others like my life was inspired by others♥ I want to change the way people cannot get help for drug/alcohol addiction the way we should be able to get help, I want to change the way addicts think, get into the mind of an addict, and HELP them Married, and a mommy to 1.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My best friends

I had the privilege of being in 2 weddings this year. October 1st my best friend of 10 years got married. She has been the older sister role model in my life...the one that taught me the bad, good, and in between. We all have those friends, most of the time though they drift away. We are so much alike we can sometimes get on each others nerves. We both are very high strung people so we do not really level each other out but that is what makes us so unique in our friendship. I know the minute something fails, or goes wrong I can always count on her to be there. I probably have not been the best of friend to her... we all have those moments when we get really caught up in our own lives that we forget about the people around us that truly love us and care for us. I was so honored to be a part of her special day. 
This is me at her wedding 10/1/2011. They had been together for 11 years so 10+1=11 and the year 2011. Unique right? I thought it was amazing. Her and her husband are a true example of you can always make it through the rough and come out strong. They are amazing people, and have the best little boy ever. I am so honored to know her, and her family. She has been through so much in her life, with little support (financially) she put herself thru college, payed for her whole wedding, and has worked her butt off to provide for what is hers. I will always look up to this girl... she has saved me so many times. I love you<3

The next wedding was the weekend after this. 10/8/2011 my best friend of 23 years! Yes, I said 23 years amazing incredible and awesome right? 
A stunning dress for a stunning person:) When I was incarcerated if it had not been for her coming to visit me each and every Sunday to laugh with I may not have made it through but luckily she did and I made it thru. She drove a 1/2 hour once a week too give me hope, encouragement, laughs, jokes, and the latest in her life. In 1996 when I moved there was no internet, Skype, Facebook, Myspace, blogs or anything...it was a regular piece of paper and a ball point pen with those cute little stationary envelopes and a stamp. Long distance phone calls were expensive then and did not have those 5 cents a minute so we wrote letters, and wrote letters... if I would not have moved so much I would probably have them. They are somewhere I am sure of that. It is amazing to look at the pictures over the years of all of us (her sister & my brother) and see we are still friends. We both have babies and are married. Who would have thought? We have been thru similar situations in life. She is defiantly the sister I truly never had from the age of 2 to the age I am now (25). We lost touch during our rough times but always found our way back to each other. She is amazing, loving, kind, passionate, an awesome teacher, and one hell of a mom!! 

From left to right Me as Snow white...my brother as SuperMan... J in purple coat and N in blue coat. This was so long ago and each year or every other year we get the same recreation of this photo. 

2008-right after I gave birth they came down to visit us and see my handsome little boy. They are incredible people.

2011 at her Rehearsal dinner. Is this not amazing! Every time I think about I think about how lucky I truly am to be able to have known them for as long as we have. Me in the red shirt... my brother in the gray shirt... and then the pink and black dress and white shirt they are sisters. We are all brothers and sisters we do not see it as a friendship but as a family.

I also got to meet her daughter for the very first time since she gave birth. Financially I just could not afford to go up there twice in one year so I held out and got to see her for the first time right after she turned 1. I was amazed how we are mothers, and our children are so special to us. They may not get to play every day together but they will know who they are and will enjoy each other when they see each other.

I love Ms. H she is the best little girl. I got to watch her for a whole day and I will tell you this little girl is a blessing. No whines, no fusses, no messes:) My best friend is truly blessed with her as her daughter.
One more because I am so in love with this little girl:)

This is my little boy and my best friend. 2008 we have been there for each other for the good and the bad not many can say that about their friends. 

Our kids playing:) My son was tickling her it was the cutest.

I am so grateful to know these 2 beautiful amazing woman and was so honored to be part of their special day. I want these two girls to know exactly how I feel even if I may not show it all the time. 

The best part is we all get along and have so much fun together!! I love you both more than words could express.

It is so important to have your friends and these 2 girls have been my backbone, and never betrayed me.

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