About Me

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I am going to be the one that will change many lives, will make a difference, and will inspire others like my life was inspired by others♥ I want to change the way people cannot get help for drug/alcohol addiction the way we should be able to get help, I want to change the way addicts think, get into the mind of an addict, and HELP them Married, and a mommy to 1.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weighing heavily on my mind....

We all know Whitney Houston passed may she R.I.P. and so many other talented artist that lose their lives to drugs. Tragic, yes! Ever since her death the comments that people have spoken via Facebook on different news organizations has me thinking. 

I was appalled at the comments people were making but I also understand the comments that were being said. Some were like "What a waste of human life" or "Those were her choices she made" while I understand that she did make her choices but addiction can be so strong. It takes over everything-emotions, feelings of self and others, careers...it literally destroys everything. And it takes over the person abusing like nothing else. The thing that made me so angry I think is the people making the comments have obviously NEVER experienced addiction of any kind. I see it as this... most people are addicted to one thing-newspaper, coffee (get caffeine headaches) angry birds... addictions can be good others can be bad. Hope I am making sense. 

I have suffered addiction, but every day I still struggle... I have also experienced a parent being an addict. My father is a hardcore alcoholic. So, even if I was never an addict I would still understand how addiction (sometimes) can never be broken from an individual. When one does not understand addiction do not make the comments that you do. It's sad... this is why addiction should be talked about on a daily basis. You better believe my child will know what I went through in hopes of never going down that path. 

Does anybody agree with me?

My life is always chaotic. I am back to school and doing Math right now and it always has my undivided attention. My son and I have been really into puzzles, so we have been working on those. 

Going to the beach this weekend!! Until next time....


  1. Very well said. I can't wait to read more of your blog. I'm sure you know my story and to be honest there are a lot of things that bother me. For instance when I hear "crackhead" etc. I just can't handle it and most people know when they say it. They may not mean it in that way of course but when they say it out loud in front of me they know. I don't even have to speak they just know. It's terrible :) I'm so glad that you found me and now I've found you xoxo

    1. Beth, Yes I have read your story. So glad you are now following, hope I can give you a piece of mind with your situation. Hope you continue to read!! :)

  2. Thank you so much for finding my daughter Beth she shared your blog with me thru fb. I cant wait until I can read all of your blog. I started tonight. Beth and I both are sensitive when it comes to the subject of drugs. Thank you for being able to post about your life I give you so much credit to be able to talk about it. I cant wait to read your blogs from day 1. Keep up the good work you are doing great, I am sure your husband and family is also proud of you xo

    1. Connie,
      Drugs are a very sensitive subject to many. They are so destructive. I am very open with my story, I do not hold regrets and I do not shy away from my past. The past made me who I am right now in this moment. It is a struggle everyday but writing, and telling others my story is therapeutic. Hope you enjoy reading my blogs! :) They are sad, and funny! Thank you for coming over to my blog!!
