About Me

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I am going to be the one that will change many lives, will make a difference, and will inspire others like my life was inspired by others♥ I want to change the way people cannot get help for drug/alcohol addiction the way we should be able to get help, I want to change the way addicts think, get into the mind of an addict, and HELP them Married, and a mommy to 1.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A total mess

I have been sitting here figuring out what to even name this blog... Craziness? A total mess? The day my world was literally turned upside down. 
So, I met Gary and we were very much into each other. At first I was skeptical because as I have said before he is older than I, by 16 years so at first it was a little sketchy and was hiding this from my mom. He worked at the family business and we did not know how others would react to this nonsense of us dating or even thinking about seeing each other. At this time I was getting my phone privileges back, so I was sneaking around calling Gary and we would literally talk for an hour or two. That says a lot of Gary because he hates to talk:) Let me first tell you how I finally got this man's attention!
  I took my mom's car (with her permission) and was going to a meeting at the beach. I had come to like this one, except it is hard for me to go to meetings and see the other people that are obviously still high nodding off in the chair while reading the NA book, or another sharing their own story. So, somebody at work had told me Gary was talking about me...and every time he came in the office he always gave me the side glance of "I see you girl" haha! So, I was on my way to a meeting and had my moms phone and she had Gary's number and I remember mom telling me that Gary always accidentally calls the office, or her from him pressing buttons in his pocket. I thought well this is the perfect time... I'll switch it around to say he must have accidentally called my mom's phone. I scroll to his name, while having a major anxiety attack that I am taking this risk of actually being turned down (which we all hate).. and hit the send button I pretty much threw the phone back into my purse but could hear him saying "Hello Kathy, Hello"... 2 minutes later he calls me unbeknownst to myself I answer and he says "I think you just called" and I said "No, it's Abby I did not call the phone was in my purse the whole time that's weird" and he kicked off and from there it went. That is our little love story....
   From there everybody at work found out and my uncle's words to my mom were "If they break up I'll fire Abby before Gary" hell I am his own niece.... but Gary put the buildings up (it was a construction company family owned). Well, that never happened... 
  In October of 2007 I had just had my period 2 weeks prior and my breasts were rather tender when touching or to put on a bra. I immediately thought "Oh my goodness I am pregnant" my mom had asked me to run an errand to my brother's and so I made a little pit stop to the Walgreen's, bought my pregnancy test, ran into the bathroom for it to pop up 2 pink lines in less than 2 minutes. I thought "holy cow-a-bunga" this is really happening. I had not even told Gary at the time that I thought I could be pregnant I just kind of went and did all of this... so, I am elated.. called Gary in the parking lot and said "I am pregnant" his first words were "Um how did that happen" I mean really I don't know you tell me Gar! LOL. 
   I went to my brother and walked in and said "We about to have a lil' babyG" (that was my nickname because I always try to act hood, you know) he was like "WHAAAT" went back to work and told my Aunt first so she could be in there when I told my mom... I just sat the pregnancy test on her desk and I think she cried, or was in complete shock that we did not even know what to do. I left Gary to tell his parents and family... his mother is Christian and would have wanted us to be married before all of this, as my mother too. 
   This is where it gets pretty tense in our relationship... In November 2007, I received a phone call from my cousin who lives in Ohio she said "Abby your name is in the paper and your being indicted on a felony 4 of trafficking drugs" I was actually trying to remember when I had last transported a kilo of cocaine (I know it's not funny but when one thinks of trafficking they think of large amount of the drug). She continues to say that I have to be in court for my arraignment on November 5th.. it is November 3rd I am 2 months pregnant (conceived in September) and about to get married in literally ONE month!!!!

Until next time.... the suspense always kills me:)


  1. I will never forget that phone call.. I literally thought I would be sick having you tell you that.
